Archive for the ‘Gay Rights’ Category

NH Governor Signs Civil Unions Bill

May 31, 2007

New Hampshire joined the likes of Vermont, Connecticut, and New Jersey by becoming the the fourth state to legalize civil unions today. The bill takes effect on January 1, 2008

As Gov. John Lynch signed the bill, called it “the New Hampshire way . . . I’ve listened and I heard all the arguments,” said Lynch. “I do not believe that this bill threatens marriage. I believe that this is a matter of conscience and of fairness. It is never too soon to act to prevent discrimination.”

The bill states that its purpose is to “delineate the rights, obligations and responsibilities of parties entering a civil union.” References marriage and divorce laws for the legal details and allows, but does not require, clergy to perform civil unions. The newly passed law also states that New Hampshire will recognize all same-sex civil unions and marriages that have been legally contracted outside of New Hampshire.


Like most Americans, I am not in favor of gay marriage; however, like many I support civil unions. I have no problem with a same-sex couple having the same rights as their heterosexual counterparts, but like a large majority of Americans I believe marriage is a sacred union between a man and women. I have told many of my friends who are gay rights activists, that if you truly passionate about having the same benefits of marriage, that they have to aim towards what is possible. The same should go for Democrats and Republicans, who far too often go for the extreme side, instead of working together to get something done; after all that is the reason why people vote them in…