Archive for the ‘Prime Minister’ Category

Iraqi Forces Can Takeover in January

July 16, 2007

Iraq’s Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki told NBC News’ Richard Engel that Iraqi forces can take over security by January,
according to this video (the link to it is on the page).

This is interesting, this brings up some good questions. If the Iraqi Government, which has been “sovereign” since 2004 says they can fully take over the security aspect, why not let them. I still have some problems with just leaving Iraq there are too many variables and questions but it is a completely different story if the Iraqi feel they are able to handle things. Whether you support the war or not, I think one thing we all can agree on is that Iraq must take control of it’s own destiny. Militarily, we freed them from Saddam now it time for them to fully take the reins.

This is always a great way America can bow out of Iraq. This would help us with keeping the strong American image, instead of an image that we left because we were defeated.

If they want us gone, we should go…