Archive for the ‘Scooter Libby’ Category

President Bush Commutes Prision Sentence of Scooter Libby

July 2, 2007

I was watching MSNBC and this was Breaking News, as soon as I find an article, I will link it out there…

Update: Here is the President’s full text

This is a great move by Bush to try to get some of his conservative supporters back in his court. However, it will be interesting to see how Bush’s numbers change in the following days…

Update: I have to say I feel bad for George W. Bush, it was clear this was not something he did not want to do was not proud of. If he was truly proud of this there would have been a press conference in the Rose Garden, he would have taken questions and defending his choice. Instead, he sent out a Press Release on a holiday week and prayed that no one would notice this.