Archive for the ‘Terrorism’ Category

Police Arrest Two More Suspects in Attempted Attack

July 2, 2007

Latest News for Britain…

British police today arrested two more suspects in connection with the attempted car bombings last week in London and Glasgow, the authorities said, bringing the total number of arrests to seven in what the government has described as a plot linked to Al Qaeda.

The Strathclyde police in Scotland said the arrests of the two men, aged 25 and 28, occurred in the Paisley area west of Glasgow near Glasgow Airport, and followed a night of “intensive police operations.”

“It’s obviously in connection with the incidents at the airport on Saturday,” a police spokeswoman said.

On Saturday, two men rammed a Jeep Cherokee into the entrance of Glasgow Airport. That followed the incidents in the West End of London on Friday when two car bombs failed to explode.

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To read about this is extremely saddening, the fact that someone would want to commit such acts is disappointing. I always seem to think about 9/11 when I hear about a terrorist or potential terrorist attack, I remember how the hold world was behind us and felt for us like we haven’t seen before. But instead of using a great chance to show the world that Terrorism is not just a problem for the US, it is a global problem and we need to work as a global community to end it. Our Government instead, waged an frivolous war on Iraq, I thought it if removed Saddam that everyone would love us and the world would be at peace; after all that is how the war was sold. Unfortunately, I believe that the world is more dangerous now then it was before the war began.

I think the most important thing we all need to do is understand what is motivating these people to do what they are doing. I believe chalking it up to the fact that they are from the middle east or the fact they were a “towel” is racist and is part of the problem. We need to become more educated about their culture and religion, contrary to popular belief Islam is not a violent religion and not all Muslims are terrorists.

In order to have peace, we must first start by understanding these “bad guys” and finding a way to live on the same planet without bombs.